Below are some general pointers for updating a business profile according to the following standards.
Please keep in mind there may be exceptions to our guidelines, but our moderators will reject any updates they’re unable to verify. There are also a number of style conventions we follow, and if submissions are verified but incorrectly formatted, we may update them to fit our standards.
Name #
Names should be succinct and reflect how an average person would refer to the business. For example, store numbers should not be used (such as ”Top Buds #52”), and we try to avoid keywords, tag lines, or other information that’s available elsewhere on the business profile, such as neighborhoods or categories.
Market Location(s) #
Businesses should list each of the market locations that they are licensed in. If a business is located in multiple markets, it should have (1) a business profile that encompasses all its markets.
If a business owns other operating brands, it should create a new business profile for each operating brand.
Website #
The website address field on a business profile is intended to direct Trackwell users to the business’s website. It is not intended to direct Trackwell users to directories, social media sites, or other third-party websites. If a business doesn’t have its own website, this field should be left blank.